Monday, May 6, 2013

Cannabis Fashion and the Legalization Trend

What does weed legalization mean for the clothing industry?

      Lately, there seems to be a trend towards the legalization of marijuana. After decades of back and forth discussion among political institutions, multiple bills and a cause that just doesn't seem to give up, two states have passed laws legalizing recreational marijuana use.

     Many other states are following suit. There are already quite a few states that allow use of medical marijuana.

     Where is all this going? Not up in smoke it seems. Maybe people are burned out on the hard core drugs prevalent over the last few decades and are turning to an old tried and true, recreational drug that doesn't have the life ruining characteristics of so many "manufactured" drugs. Whatever the reason, there has certainly been a recent resurgence in the popularity of weed. Legalization has brought many closet smokers out into the light and more people are voicing their support of legalization daily. The Go Green initiative and the World Wide Weed Foundation are seeing renewed interest as well.

girl wearing World Wide Weed Shirt 

     What does this mean for fashion? It means a surge in the popularity of clothing featuring pot leaf patterns or cannabis camouflage print. More and more people are advertising their support for weed by the way they dress. Some people call it "Stoner Camouflage".

cannabis camouflage
     What was considered inappropriate attire a few years ago, is now a fashion statement. Manufacturing companies are racing to cash in on the trend. Companies like RealBud Camo have stepped up with some very nice quality products to cater to the preferences of the movement.
RealBud Camo Logo

     The brand name is growing fast and doesn't show any sign of slowing down. As weed has once again become more popular, so has the demand for marijuana accessories and clothing. In the future, as more states legalize recreational use, the trend will only get stronger.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this post. I am very interested in this topic. I would like to share my opinion on this. mycannabisclothing is the generic time period for every kind of cotton textiles. It's usually used to make trend, informal clothes, underwear and shirts. It's mild, heat, comfortable and cushty.
